Talking to Yourself:Coaching Yourself to Success
Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center 10201 South Padre Island Dr, Corpus Christi, TX, United StatesSBA Funding Options and Resources for Small Businesses
SBA Funding Options and Resources for Small Businesses
Presented by Dr. Kent Byus, Professor ofMarkeeting and Entrepreneurship, College of Business, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. Successful Branding Starts by Being Remarkable Focus on creating, delivering, ad communicating value Determining the right audience Defining and refining your company's personality Selecting the logo and the slogan that match the promise Everything matters
Presented by Dr. Jim Lee, Regent Professor of Economics, College of Business, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. Understanding the Coastal Bend's Capacity for Innovation & Regional Understanding your local economy and market can help your business succeed. This Lunch & Learn session will present what shapes innovative entrepreneurial activity and what has driven economic growth in the Coastal Bend. You should ...
Elizabeth Soliz - Economic Development Specialist
Are You looking to start a business, or expand your current business but need funding? The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) works with approved lenders and community development organizations to offer SBA guaranteed loans to help your business start, grow, expand, and recover.
Are You looking to start a business, or expand your current business but need funding? The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) works with approved lenders and community development organizations to offer SBA guaranteed loans to help your business start, grow, expand, and recover.
Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend (WFSCB) stands ready to serve with the staff and resources to help your team focus on building your business. Whether you area looking for referral of qualified job applications, customized on the job training, or funding to train employees, WFSCB is there to support.
Lunch & Learn
LUNCH & LEARN Assessing Growth & Expansion Opportunities: The Importance of Strategic Fit Presented by Dr. John E. Gamble Doors open at 11: 45 AM and the event will begin at 12:00 PM Small businesses are frequently presented with opportunities for business expansion and revenue growth. The Lunch and Learn workshop will review approaches to assessing the attractiveness of ...
A properly designed workforce planning model ensures that organizations have just the right number of customer service personnel available when needed - neither too many nor too few. A finely tuned staffing plan ensures customers are well cared for and labor costs are controlled.