Even those that seem to have it all figured out when it comes to entrepreneurship need a little coaching and teaching. That’s where the Experiential Classroom comes in.
According to the University of Florida’s website, under the Warrington College of Business Administration page, “The Experiential Classroom is the premier clinic for faculty who are relatively new to the teaching of entrepreneurship and the building of entrepreneurship programs.”
“The Experiential Classroom is offered once a year and takes place on the campus of the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL. Attendance is limited to 75 delegates each year,” states that same page.
The objectives of the Experiential Classroom are as follows, taken from the website:
- Help those who are new to the teaching of entrepreneurship;
- Capture the experience of those who came to teaching of entrepreneurship from diverse backgrounds and share lessons learned in making the transition;
- Introduce a number of highly creative and effective experiential approaches;
- Apply a simple but powerful framework for organizing the content within an entrepreneurship course;
- Demonstrate effective teaching approaches by observing master teachers;
- Share ideas on specialty topics in entrepreneurship education;
- Expose delegates to a rich resource base and help them join a network of faculty who share similar experiences;
- Give delegates an opportunity to actually teach live in front of students, with helpful critiques from entrepreneurship faculty;
- Share insights on how to build world class entrepreneurship programs.
During the Experiential Classroom 2014, three representatives from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi attended, including: Randy Harris, Dr. Margaret Lucero and David Fonseca.
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