Sub-see Adventures, a client company of the Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center (Innovation Center) is almost ready to take its first dive into the Caribbean.
The submarine of Sub-See Adventures is the SM-100/ 26, according to subseeadventures.com, and operates with 24 passengers and two crew members.
According to that same website, upon diving, passengers are given a panoramic view of the underwater world through large diameter viewports. The vessel is similar to riding in a small airplane, airconditioned and can dive to a depth of 300 feet.
“There are eight workers refitting the barge, three workers in Sweden, two more building the venue in Ocho Rios and my entire family is in a foreign land helping to get things ready,” said Oxborrow.
Located in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, Sub-See Adventures is, according to the website, “a port of call for many cruise lines [and] boasts some of the most luxe resorts and spas in the Caribbean.”
On subseeadventures.com it states that passengers are able to venture into waters where only highly trained divers were able to go, and that this area is located between a natural mountain of bedrock and a natural offshore reef.
“We dive paying customers in about 30 days,” said Oxborrow.
Passengers will find a new world opened up to them, one that , until now, has remained hidden.
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