Corpus Christi, TX – Corey Risper, a client company of the Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center (CBBIC), successfully launched his clothing line of map-designed T-shirts under the brand name Risper in “La Palmera” mall. The T-shirts are unique and original with flight charts, maps, and approach plates designs printed onto the shirts.
Corey Risper was accepted into the business incubator’s program of CBBIC on August 16, 2010. Since then we have helped Risper to gain access to business developing tools which include forming a business plan, developing a marketing strategy, building a webpage, and assisting with graphic designs. The products line was officially unveiled at an American Bank Center show in 2010. The product line is now being sold in the store Benjamin’s at La Pamera and has received optimistic responses from retail customers and organizations such as an air traffic control flight school in Oklahoma City. We congratulate Corey Risper on his success and hope that the company will expand the brand and reap more achievements in the future.
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