Coachnect is one of the newest client companies joining the Center’s Incubation Program this summer. Since establishment in 2012 the mission of the company is to maximize the effects of coaching to improve skills through virtual feedback and analysis.
This online system will provide accounts for coaches, teachers, and/or instructors as a way to coach athletes and monitoring their skills. The athlete benefits from this system in many ways. For one, they are coached using consistent information and ques displayed to all athlete account attached support team members (Coach, Assistant Coach, Trainer, Parent, etc.).
Additionally the online platform will help track the progress of the individual or group being coached by recording and gathering data from each session. This interaction allows the individual to see improvements and encourage optimal coaching time.
Virtual coaching assistance is a healthy and growing market. It helps individuals make strong improvements. Technological applications like Coachnect allows individuals to interact with data and utilized it to help reach goals. For example we now have wearable technologies (such as watches) which go even further to collect this data more accurately.
Coachnect’s targets audience is athletes and coaches who want to improve performance skills. Reaching out to business incubation will be beneficial to the company’s strategy building and face-paced improvement. By seeking guidance from the innovation center the company reaffirms the belief that to grow stronger and more skillful in any art, professional guidance is key in acceleration.