Monday, January 31, 2022. At 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Harte Research Institue for Gulf of Mexico (HRI) Room 127.
Please join Dean Brian Tietje for this dynamic discussion by Dr. Jonathan York. Dr. York has decades of experience with startups, regional economic development, and academic programs in innovation and entrepreneurship. He was instrumental in making Cal Poly’s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship what it is today.
His biograhy can be found at: https://www.cob.calpoly.edu/directory/profile/jonathan-york
View ZOOM presentation: https://tamucc.zoom.us/rec/share/PNF8_11pC8fpAmYPMryp-YW4hVRIpt1YH88DeZT6h064Y0rAI4PpEL0EOC2zrJ-f.rvDLA7s29tDH8zTf