The first Annual Report was just released by the Innovation Center. The report covers the progress and success stories that occurred during 2014. Since its inception in 2009, the Center has aided clients in their business ventures.
The report demonstrates the Innovation Center’s mission, which is to “serve as a catalyst for innovative ideas by providing business advice for the entrepreneurial process and supporting the creation of sustainable, successful Coastal Bend businesses at every level of development.”
The Annual Report explains the programs provided to client companies and how they have excelled with the Center’s assistance. It highlights the impact that business incubation has made on the Coastal Bend’s economy.
According to the report, as of Dec. 31st, 2014 the Center has assisted 126 companies with their many programs. Companies in the industry of health services, merchandizing, design, technology, education and many others have benefited from their services. These companies create jobs that make a real difference in our city.
Business incubation develops the economic foundation necessary for entrepreneurial growth in a community. The Innovation Center’s clients, staff and guests along with the cooperation of the College of Business at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC) has made business incubation a success in the Coastal Bend region.
Those who graduate from business incubation create jobs, revitalize neighborhoods and commercialize new technology, and strengthen the local, regional and even national economies. Check out the report [here] and feel free to see what else the Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center is doing for the community by visiting their website: innovation4texas.com
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