During the summer there are plenty of opportunities for exciting road trips, family reunions or the occasional drive. Drivers typically worry about two things that can hinder these pastimes: directions and the weather. With Weather on Wheels there’s one app for both.
According to the Caller.com article, "New TAMUCC app to help travelers anticipate inclement weather," "[the app] blend[s] information from the National Weather Service forecast with the directions from Google Maps to give travelers an idea of what the weather holds in store for their trip."
The app has been available on the Web and for Android devices since late 2014. Apple users can now find the app in the App Store, and can start planning their own trips alongside Android users. This new version also includes improvements in weather forecast accuracy and a new safety feature that visually indicates warning zones for extreme weather watches and warnings.
"If there is a bad storm predicted on your route, the app will let you know if weather conditions improve by changing your start time and/ or route," states the tamucc.edu article "Weather on Wheels App Tracks Road Trip Weather."
Travelers who take this information into consideration will be more prepared to make smart decisions concerning their travel plans. While it is impossible to control the weather, the app allows users the ability to plan around or avoid it altogether.
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, on average, over 5.8 million vehicles crash each year with 1.3 million being weather related."The Weather on Wheels app has been a collaborative effore between the Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center and the TAMU-CC’s Conrad Blucher Instistute for Surveying and Science.
The app is free and can be access through Google Play, the Apple App Store or found at weatheronwheels.com.