
The State of New Venture Investing

September 27, 2012

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center (CBBIC) at
Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi hosted a lunch for potential Angel Investors
entitled “The State of New Venture Investing” on September 19th.

Jamie Rhodes, founder of the Central Texas Angel Network based in Austin, Texas,
described various sources of new venture funding with emphasis on angel investors,
and also answered questions from the audience. His presentation was followed by
four clients of the CBBIC, each giving a brief description of their business products
and their applications to real world challenges. These applications included medical,
communication, renewable energy, and water purification technologies. Presenters
were Ergo Voice, InnerGeo, Plasma Technologies Inc., and Hydro Enviro Clean.
Thirty people were in attendance and included Mayor Joe Adame, and from
TAMUCC, president Dr. Flavius Killebrew, Dr. Moustafa Abdelsamad, Dr. Luis
Cifuentes, Dr. Trent Hill and Dr. Frank Pezold.

About CBBIC:

The University’s College of Business established the Coastal Bend Business Innovation
Center in 2009 to stimulate job growth by encouraging entrepreneurial economic
development of companies that, once established, are committed to remaining in