Student Agency


In conjunction with the TAMU-CC Colleges of Engineering and Science, the CBBIC plans to offer the Coastal Bend community the opportunity to access graduate level IT, computer science and data science students and utilize their years of professional corporate experiences and skills to tackle short term internal firm projects requiring IT expertise. The depth and breadth of the skillsets include vast array of programming and coding knowledge and experience.


Projects will be jointly scoped by the hiring organization and a Student Agency manager, approved by the organization and managed by the hiring organization tech contact and the Student Agency manager.

Project Duration

Project length may be of any duration, but projects that extend between school semesters may require TAMU-CC departmental approval.

Project Cost

As a state-funded entity, the CBBIC operates on a revenue-neutral model, covering its costs but not seeking profit. Projects will be costed out based on the scope and anticipated hours for completion of agreed upon deliverables.